Does Matcha Keep You Awake at Night?

Does Matcha Keep You Awake at Night?

Drinking caffeine at the end of the working day can help give you that extra kick to get you home and enjoy some quality time. Our time working in finance has taught us one thing, though, that you probably don't want to be consuming copious amounts of coffee past the 3 pm mark. 

On the other hand, matcha can be the perfect afternoon pick-you-up .

*Research suggests that the amino acids found within matcha powder can counteract the negative sleep impact often caused by consuming caffeine.

Despite this, it is still crucial to understand your own body and tolerances to ensure you're not missing out on the zzzzzzzzzs.

Let's take a deeper dive into matcha and its impact on your sleep quality. 

Matchas Impact on Your Sleep Quality

There is often a debate about the best time to stop drinking caffeine. Some people will live and die by a 1 pm rule, while others take a more relaxed stance and are happy to have caffeine after dinner. 

Our Co-Founder, Marisa found that matcha's caffeine creates a different result from regular caffeine found in coffee, and people refer to it as zen-like energy - did you know that monks have used matcha for hundreds of years to help with meditation?

When considering matcha's caffeine content against coffee, it is essential to note that matcha contains an amino acid called L-theanine.

Recent research suggests that the combination of L-theanine and another amino acid called GABA counteracts the aggressive stimulating effects of caffeine. Thus, matcha, with its far smoother caffeination, may not negatively impact sleep quality like other caffeine sources.

Yet, despite the research, we should always consider our reaction to the various foods, beverages and substances that enter our bodies, which leads us to another important point.

Understand Your Caffeine Tolerance Levels for Better Sleep

Everyone reacts differently to caffeine - we all have that one friend that can guzzle five energy drinks and feel no effect. But, we also know that someone that "can't drink caffeine" too.

Each of us can handle different levels of caffeine before our sleep is negatively affected. Understanding your body will help you gauge the point at which you can have your final matcha beverage of the day while retaining the ability to sleep later on at night.

*The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the FSA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. 

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