Perfect Ted Matcha Range on Green Background

Does Matcha Stain Teeth?

If coupled with proper oral hygiene practises, unlike coffee, matcha won't stain your teeth.

Oral health is a topic frequently missed when discussing health trends. However, we are using our mouths all day, every day, for eating, breathing, talking and more. One of the most important uses of our mouths, however, is smiling. Smiling brings joy, and how we feel about our smiles can substantially impact our confidence. 

Why Matcha Doesn’t Stain Your Teeth

Tannins, naturally occurring polyphenols found in plants, including acidic tannins, can damage our teeth, causing them to become weaker and more prone to stains. Matcha contains substantially fewer tannins than coffee, which means the chance of staining your teeth is significantly lower with matcha.

Matcha also contains catechins and chlorophyll - Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the more prominent catechins. This antioxidant helps reduce the build-up of bacteria in the mouth and reduces the chances of cavities. 

A comparison is often made between matcha and green tea, and while green tea may contain higher EGCGs than matcha, it has fewer overall antioxidants. The reason for this is that with matcha, you are consuming the entire plant (leaf, stem, etc.), but when drinking green tea, you typically just get the nutrients released from interaction between the plant and water. 

Additionally, due to matcha being grown in the shade, it contains far higher chlorophyll levels. The combination of matcha’s high levels of antioxidants and chlorophyll have been shown to reduce gum disease, such as gingivitis and periodontitis. 

Finally, as an added bonus, the antioxidants in matcha modify the sulphur content within our mouths, drastically reducing bad breath. 

Don’t Add Sugar to Your Matcha

We know how bad sugar is for our teeth and body. Drinking additional sugar alongside your matcha beverage can increase the chances of weakening the enamel on your teeth, which further makes them prone to discolouration. That is why all of our ready-to-drink matcha energy drinks contain no added sugar, preservatives, or additives.

Floss Everyday

General oral hygiene helps keep our teeth strong, further protecting them from discolouration. Flossing, on top of brushing, positively impacts the enamel on your teeth by removing excess food from our mouths that could turn into enamel-eroding acids that damage our teeth. 

With this information, you can enjoy your matcha at any time of the day without worrying about damaging your teeth!
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